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By clicking the corresponding menu item, it is possible to make OAI-PMH requests to test if a server is working by checking the responses. By default, the Server URL is the local one, which means it is possible to see the local Ingest Processes as OAI-PMH sets.

There are two simple tests that can be made to verify if a server is working: by filling the Server URL and clicking Identify, and then click ListSets. The response to the requests is shown on the right of the page. If both responses are acceptable, then the server is likely working.

After ingesting records (see Creating a Data Provider and Data Source) it is also possible to check the Records by filling the field Set with the Record Set name (or use one of the results from clicking ListSets) and clicking ListRecords.

To make more complex requests, check the OAI-PMH protocol at http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/openarchivesprotocol.html on section 4 to see an explanation and examples of the requests.